
Adressbuch, © colourbox
Translation Services
The German Embassy in Riyadh does not offer translation services from Arabic into German or vice versa. In case you require a translation for official purposes in Germany, please make sure that the translation was made by a sworn translator in Germany or by a translator known to the Embassy. Otherwise your documents might not be accepted by the competent German authorities. If you opt for one of the local translators mentioned below, the Embassy can subsequently issue a corresponding confirmation certificate (a fee is charged). Please note that the below named translators are not visa advisors. It is up to you to determine which documents should be translated.
1) Sworn Translators in Germany
In the search function on its website, the Federal Association of Translators lists a large number of translators who have been court sworn in Germany. The Embassy recommends contacting them directly. Owing to freedom of competition guidelines, the Embassy may not recommend individual translators.
To find interpreters and/or translators see the following website:
2) Currently the following translators are known to the Embassy:
Mr. Islam Abdelkarim
Tel: +201 552565961 (WhatsApp only)
Email: riad.translation37@gmail.com
Mr. Gaafar Dirgham
Tel: +966 (0) 5 0648 2078
E-Mail: dirgham.german@gmail.com
Mr. Yehia Moussa
Tel: +201 008367559 (WhatsApp only)
E-Mail: yehiamoussa72@gmail.com
Mr. Naji Salameh
Tel:+966 546477085
E-Mail: n.salameh@web.de
Mr. Herr Malik Abdel Aziz
Tel: +966 (0) 58 021 2455
Email: malikabdelaziz@outlook.de