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Stellenangebot der Botschaft Riad für einen HLK-Techniker

Jobs Hailer Zeigt Job inserieren Rekrutierung und Stellenangebote, © colourbox
Bewerbungsschluss: 31. Mai 2024
The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Riyadh is looking for a full time highly qualified Technician with effect of June 2024.
Duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:
- Maintenance and repair of technical installations, especially HVAC systems, in the Embassy’s Chancery, the Ambassador’s Residence and in the staff houses
- Maintenance and repair of all systems related to water supply
- Mechanical jobs including plumbing, welding, general repair and renovation works
- General electrical works in collaboration with the Embassy’s electrician
- Management and restocking of supplies for the workshop of the Embassy
- Preparation and set up of events and receptions at the Embassy/Residence
- Managing/supervision of external technicians, e.g. for special repairs, or of service personnel for events
Requirements for the position are:
- Completed HVAC degree, engineering diploma in this field is of advantage
- Very good knowledge of English language (reading/writing)
- Basic knowledge of Arabic language is of advantage
- Work experience, certifications and references, especially in the required fields
- Good health state, fitness for physically demanding work
- Good communication and organizational skills
- Willingness to participate in further trainings
- Flexibility and willingness to assist in any other Embassy duties/activities when the occasion arises, including overtime
- Valid driver's license
- Transferable Iqama
What do we offer?
- This position is offered as a full time employment (41 hours). The appointment will be initially on the basis of a one-year local contract with the possibility of extension
- You may look forward to an interesting job in a family-friendly and international team
- Local employment contract with salary and benefits according to the Embassy Salary Scheme
Please submit your complete application documents
until 31 May 2024 at the latest
Our colleague will get in contact with you to advise about sending your application documents.
To be eligible for consideration, your application shall include:
- CV
- Motivation letter in English
- References, working certificates
- Copy of passport
- For non-GCC nationals: Copy of Iqama/work/residence permit for Saudi Arabia
Please note:
Only complete applications can be considered.
Applicants who fulfill the requested criteria and who are shortlisted will be invited to an interview, presumably end of April 2024.
Please be advised that a security clearance and a health check by the German authorities is part of the selection process. Shortlisted candidates will be requested to present a certificate of Good Conduct („No Criminal Record“) issued by the home country.
Unfortunately, we will not be able to acknowledge receipt of applications.
We will only be contacting candidates who will be invited to an interview.
We regret that we are unable to refund travel expenses arising from interviews.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Weitere Informationen
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