Visa fees

Symbolfoto zum Thema Geld und Inflation., © picture alliance / pressefoto_korb
The processing fee for a Schengen visa is 90 €.
The processing fee for a national visa is 75 €.
The processing fee for a Schengen visa is 90 €.
The processing fee for a national visa is 75 €.
The fees are payable in local currency at the time of application submission. There will be no refund in case of visa denial. Both the Schengen visa codex as the regulation applicable for national visas grant fee waivers or reduced fees in certain cases.
Exempt from fees
a) Fee waiver for Schengen visas for:
- Children below the age of six
- Students and accompanying teachers if travel is for educational purpose only
- Representatives of non-profit organizations, if travel is for participation in cultural, sports, or academic events, conferences and seminars or-ganized by non-profit organization(s)
- Researchers, if trip is for research purposes or participation in a sci-entific seminar or conference
- “Transfer” of a valid visa from an old, full passport into a new pass-port.
b) Fee Waiver for national visas:
- Holders of a scholarship issued by a public institution and their joining spouses and minor children (if included in the scholarship)
- Staff of diplomatic and consular foreign representations and interna-tional organizations accredited in Germany and their joining spouses and children (up to 25 years of age)
- In case of bilateral or multilateral treaty stipulating fee waivers
c) All visa fees are waived for spouses or registered same-sex partners and minor children of German citizens and parents of minor German children as well as relatives of citizens of EU/EEA if entitled to freedom of movement.
- Visa facilitation agreements with Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan stipulate a reduced Schengen visa fee of 35 € and complete fee waivers for certain travel purposes (e.g. visit of relatives)
- Visa facilitation agreements with Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Albania, Ukraine and Georgia stipulate a reduced Schengen visa fee of 35 € for all citizens who are still subject to visa requirement (Holders of non-biometric passports)
- The Schengen visa fee is reduced to 45 € and the national visa fee is reduced to 37.50 € for all children between 6 and 12 years of age.
In addition, the German Missions can waive or reduce the visa fee in individual cases, if the trip is of substantial public interest or on humanitarian grounds. Foreign trade fair exhibitors (must present official trade fair accreditation) are equally exempt from visa fees.
Please contact the competent German Mission if you have questions regarding a possible fee waiver or reduction.